All the courses are now available in Broome Location as well.

What to Expect from an Aquatic Rescue for Group 3 Pools


The Aquatic Rescue for Group 3 pools program helps learners meet the requirements of the code of practice for construction, design, operation, maintenance and management of aquatic resources in Western Australia. The program aims to equip those skills to Group 3 swimming pool owners , operators and their staff.

This course sets itself apart as the only one that acquaints participants with the skills to respond quickly to emergencies and minimise the chances of someone suffering long term damage. Additionally, learners get skills on how to conduct basic water rescues around Group 3 Pool environments.

The Health Department of West Australia Code of Practice for Aquatic Facilities  asks for the swimming pool rescue award to be re-assessed at the end of every 3 years. Re-assessing this award every three years also recommends participants to refresh their skills annually with an annual qualifitication.

Aquatic Rescue For Group 3 Pools only takes a 3 hours face to face duration.

Entry Requirements

Below are the Entry Requirements for Aquatic Rescue for Group 3 Pools:

  1. Fluency in both written and spoken English. Reasonable level at least AQF Level 3. You might also be required to provide a link to your LLN assessment.
  2. Participant must be physically fit and have good swimming ability to complete the qualification successfully
  3. There are no work placement requirements. We thought it best to clear this frequently asked question.
  4. There are also no minimum age requirements. However participants must feel comfortable to interact in an adult learning environment.
  5. Certification requirements include the Aquatic Rescue for Group 3 Award

Course content includes:

The course includes the following:

  1. Theoretical studies on aquatic environments, rescue techniques and water safety.
  2. CPR on children, adults and babies.
  3. Dry rescuing of a person in difficulty. That is someone who isnt an adequate swimmer and is at least 5 metres away from safety. Here you are taught how to use an aid without necessarily entering the water. The tutors will also demonstrate instances of a throwing rescue or reach rescue.
  4. Demonstration on how to rescue a person in difficulty using a flotation aid.
  5. Recover and Resuscitating a victim on the deepest end of the pool
  6. Recovering objects from the bottom of a pool. Usually this helps the learners to imagine a person-scenerio who lies unconcious at the pool bottom.
  7. Assesment of respiratory failue and illustration of rescue breathing for at least one minute.
  8. Removal of a patient from the water
  9. Perfoming DRSABCD
  10. Placing the person in recovery position

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