January 30, 2023 CPR Courses In Perth
CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is used to help someone who has stopped breathing or whose heart has stopped beating. When someone has a cardiac arrest, they lose consciousness, and their heart stops beating. Without CPR, they can die within minutes of the incident.
CPR involves two people:
The person performing the chest compressions should lean over the victim’s chest at a 45-degree angle. They should press down on the chest at least 2 inches in depth at a rate of 100 times per minute (or about once every second). Between each compression, they should give one rescue breath every 5 to 6 seconds.
The person giving breaths should place their mouth over the victim’s mouth and nose, seal off their airway with their lips and gently blow for one second (two seconds for children).
Giving CPR can be fatal if not executed properly. In such cases, getting skilled and educated about the process of delivering CPR is essential, which can be done by taking a life-saving course.
There are six steps to performing CPR:
First, assess whether or not the situation requires CPR. If unsure, look for signs of breathing and colour in their face. If they’re unresponsive and the face starts looking purple, grey, or pale, they are likely not breathing.
Check if there is any bleeding by looking at the victim’s clothing and skin. Look at the victim’s head, face, arms, hands, and legs for blood or wounds that might be serious enough to require immediate medical care. If you see any of these things, call 000 immediately and do not attempt CPR until help arrives or until someone with more aquatic safety training takes over from you.
You should always check to see if the person is breathing by looking for chest movements. If they are not breathing, tilt their head back and check for two things: no tongue blocking their airway and no blockage in the back of their throat. If you find a blockage, clear it with your finger. Then check for breathing again.
Start CPR immediately if they aren’t breathing and don’t have a pulse. CPR should be executed only after taking adequate training in a lifeguard training course.
If you’re not able to call 000 right away, move on to another step: clear the victim’s airway and check for breathing. You can do this by placing your ear over their mouth and nose and looking for movement of your chest or stomach—this is called “listening.” If you don’t see movement, check every 15 seconds again until you do see movement (or until help arrives).
After confirming that the victim is not breathing or doesn’t have a pulse, place your hands on the chest at the centre and push down at least 2 inches deep (or 1/3 of an inch per pound of body weight). Keep your hands pressing each other to cover all three areas where blood vessels like the carotid artery in the chest and abdomen are present. Push hard enough so that your hands bounce up off of them as they recoil from pushing down— this will help ensure that you’re compressing deep enough. Do this 30 times in quick succession (about 100 compressions per minute).
The first step in giving CPR is to administer two rescue breaths. The first breath is done by placing one hand on the victim’s forehead and tilting the head back while sealing your mouth over their mouth. Pinch the nose shut and blow hard into the victim’s mouth until you see their chest rise. Then, release your mouth from theirs and watch for their chest to fall again before repeating this step.
After administering two rescue breaths, you’ll need to continue performing 30 compressions at a rate of 100 per minute, alternating between compressions and breathing. This will allow enough oxygen-rich blood to circulate through their body so that they can begin breathing on their own again!
The following are a few common mistakes that people make when giving CPR.
West Coast Water Safety is the only location you should choose if you’re looking for a CPR course in Perth. You’ll get a thorough, hands-on lesson that will leave you feeling prepared and confident in your ability to save lives. We believe in our mission and know it’s possible to bring the best water safety practices to every person on the West Coast.