Step-by-Step Guide on Performing CPR, Including Procedure and Instructions

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a life-saving technique used in emergencies when someone’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped. CPR can help to maintain blood flow and oxygen to the brain and other vital organs until medical help arrives. Knowing how to perform CPR is crucial in emergencies and can mean the difference between life and death.

In this blog, we will look at step-by-step instructions on CPR. This guide will provide the knowledge and skills necessary to perform CPR correctly. And if you are interested in learning CPR in a more formal setting, consider taking CPR courses in Perth to gain hands-on training and certification.

Important Steps to Take in CPR Preparation

Assessing the situation before CPR is crucial for your safety and the safety of the person in need. In CPR courses in Perth, trained professionals discussed the following crucial advice on how to get ready to perform CPR:

-Check the area for potential dangers or hazards, such as electrical wires or gas leaks.

-Make sure you feel comfortable and safe providing CPR.

-Determine if the person is unresponsive and needs CPR by checking for responsiveness.

-To check for responsiveness, gently shake the person and call out to them to see if they respond.

-If the person does not respond, assume they are unresponsive and may need CPR.

-Call for emergency medical help immediately by dialling 000 in Perth.

-Be prepared to provide your location and a description of the situation to the operator.

-Keep talking to the operator on the call and do as they say.

-If someone else is present, ask them to call for help while you begin performing CPR.

-Remember to remain calm and focused throughout the situation and prioritize your safety and the safety of the person in need.

A Step-by-Step Guide on Performing CPR Technique in CPR courses in Perth

CPR involves actions intended to promote the movement of oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. Here are some in-depth descriptions of the three primary CPR components taught at CPR courses in Perth.

Chest Compressions

Doing chest compressions is the initial stage of CPR. Perform the given steps to correctly implement it:

-Proper hand placement is crucial for effective chest compressions. Place the heel of one hand on the centre of the person’s chest, between the nipples. Place the other hand on the first hand, interlocking your fingers. Maintain straight elbows and a shoulder-to-hand distance.

-Use your upper body strength to press down on the person’s chest, using a straight up-and-down motion. Compress the chest by at least two inches, and aim for a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.

-After performing 30 chest compressions, move on to rescue breaths.

Rescue Breaths

After performing 30 chest compressions, it’s time to open the person’s airway and give rescue breaths. Here’s how to do it correctly:

-Tilt the person’s head back with one hand while lifting their chin with the other to open their airway.

-Give two rescue breaths by sealing your mouth over their mouth and nose and blowing air into their lungs. Watch for the person’s chest to rise with each breath.

-After giving two rescue breaths, return to chest compressions.

Alternating Between Chest Compressions and Rescue Breaths

The key to effective CPR is alternating between chest compressions and rescue breaths. Follow the given steps to do it correctly:

-After giving two rescue breaths, return to chest compressions.

-Alternate between 30 chest compressions and two rescue breaths until emergency medical help arrives or the person regains consciousness.

-Remember to continue to assess the person’s condition throughout the process, checking for any changes in responsiveness or breathing.

By following these proper techniques and alternating between chest compressions and rescue breaths, you can effectively perform CPR and increase the person’s chances of survival.

CPR for Adults and Children/Infants

Performing CPR on an adult requires different considerations and techniques than CPR on a child or infant. Consider the following points when performing CPR, as professionals at CPR courses in Perth advised.

Differences between Adult CPR and Child/Infant CPR

-The depth and speed of chest compressions should differ for adults versus children and infants. Adults require compressions at least two inches deep, while children and infants require shallower compressions.

-The hand placement for chest compressions is also different for adults versus children and infants. Adults require hand placement on the centre of the chest, while children and infants require hand placement on the lower half of the sternum.

-Additionally, the ratio of chest compressions to rescue breaths differs for adults versus children and infants. Adults require 30 chest compressions followed by two rescue breaths, while children and infants require 15 chest compressions followed by two rescue breaths

Proper Technique for Adult CPR

-Begin by assessing the situation and calling for emergency medical help.

-Aim for a rate of 100–120 compressions per minute while placing your hands on the person’s chest in the middle.

-After performing 30 chest compressions, tilt the person’s head back to open the airway and give two rescue breaths.

-Alternate between chest compressions and rescue breaths until emergency medical help arrives or the person regains consciousness.

-If an AED is available, use it as soon as possible and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

CPR for Adults and Children/Infants

-Begin by assessing the situation and calling for emergency medical help.

-Place two fingers on the lower half of the child or infant’s sternum and perform chest compressions, aiming for a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.

-After performing 15 chest compressions, tilt the child or infant’s head back to open the airway and give two rescue breaths.

-Alternate between chest compressions and rescue breaths until emergency medical help arrives or the child or infant regains consciousness.

-If an AED is available, use it as soon as possible and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.


 Knowing how to perform CPR can be the difference between life and death in an emergency. Understanding the correct technique to administer CPR to someone in need is crucial. CPR courses in Perth offer comprehensive training that can equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform this life-saving technique confidently. A CPR certification course can give you the confidence and peace of mind to respond effectively in an emergency. Sign up for CPR courses in Perth today and be prepared to save a life.

Boost Your Career with Aquatic Safety And CPR Training

Aquatic safety and CPR training are essential for aquatic staff members. This training helps them recognize and manage common injuries and provide CPR in an emergency.

Aquatic safety training includes topics such as:

  • Identify hazards and stay away from them.
  • Respond quickly to an emergency.
  • Spot signs of drowning.
  • Improvize a rescue device if necessary.
  • Prevent injuries while using flotation devices.

What Are the Benefits of Taking Aquatic Safety And CPR Training?

  1. Encourages healthy and safe living

Aquatic safety training is the best way to develop a healthy and safe swimming environment. It encourages pool owners to keep the water clean and free of contaminants, which can prevent illness when people swim in it.

  1. Creates the confidence to care

Taking aquatic safety training can give you the confidence to care for others as well as yourself, whether it’s a child who has fallen into a pool or an older adult who has fallen outside. You’ll be able to provide immediate help until emergency services arrive on the scene.

  1. Gives you tools and certifications

According to WHO, 3.6 lakh people lose their lives from water-related accidents or the absence of a CPR giver. The aquatic safety training academy will help you learn how to administer CPR using an automated external defibrillator (AED) and a flotation device. This will help you make sure that everyone is safe during their swim. The American Red Cross offers courses that teach the basics of CPR, including how to check for breathing, chest compressions, rescue breaths, and more. You’ll also get certification after completing the course.

  1. Enables you to increase patient comfort

Aquatic safety and CPR training are essential because they can help improve your ability to work with patients in the water, making them more comfortable. This is important if you work with older patients or those with physical limitations that make it difficult for them to move around on land. It also lets you know how to best position an unconscious patient in the water, so they don’t choke or drown while waiting for emergency medical care. Giving proper CPR makes the person’s survival rate by over 20%

  1. Does more than help save lives

Taking aquatic safety and CPR training also helps you learn about important topics like first aid, emergency response procedures, and school water safety in WA for children—all essential skills for any caregiver or lifeguard!

What Can You Learn from an Aquatic Safety And CPR Training Course?

Even if you’re not studying or working in the medical field, knowing how to perform CPR can make all the difference in saving someone’s life.

In an aquatic safety and CPR course in Perth, you’ll learn everything you need to know about:

  1. Drowning prevention techniques

One of the life-saving things to learn from a safety and CPR training course is how to prevent drowning. You’ll learn about the different signs and symptoms of drowning and how to perform CPR on someone drowning in the water. You’ll also learn how to respond if you see someone else in trouble and how to use a flotation device like a life jacket or sling ring.

  1. Water safety procedures

Aquatic safety is an essential aspect of any training program in this field. You’ll learn about water safety procedures in WA for adults and children, including wearing life jackets, learning proper FPE (fire protection engineering) guidelines, chemicals avoidance, communication hazards and many more.

  1. Swimming lessons for adults and children

The third thing you can learn from an aquatic safety class is swimming lessons for adults and children. This includes basic swimming techniques like treading water or floating on your back, as well as more advanced techniques like diving into shallow water or rescuing someone from drowning.

  1. How to perform CPR on infants, children, or adults

In an aquatic safety and CPR training course, you’ll learn how to perform CPR on an infant, child, or adult. You’ll learn how to check the chest for movement and breathing and give chest compressions fast enough for adults but slower for children. You’ll also learn the importance of checking for a pulse before starting CPR.

  1. How to treat or handle victim of cardiac arrest

An aquatic safety and CPR training course will teach you how to treat or handle cardiac arrest victims.

The first step is to assess the victim’s condition and determine if they are breathing and have a pulse. You must start chest compressions immediately if the victim does not have a pulse. You can continue compressions until help arrives or until the victim begins breathing again.

  1. How to use flotation devices effectively

Aquatic safety and CPR training courses teach you how to use various flotation devices, including life jackets, inflatable tubes, and personal flotation devices (PFDs). These courses teach you how to properly put on a life jacket and select the appropriate device for your needs. They also teach you how to blow an inflatable tube and perform CPR on someone drowning.

Wrapping Up

Choosing West Coast Water Safety for your aquatic safety and the CPR training course is a great decision! Our certified instructors will help you feel prepared to be safe in the water. We can accommodate large and small groups. Hence, we’ve got you covered whether you’re looking for a class for your entire staff or want to learn how to swim.

How to Perform CPR on Drowning Victims?

CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is used to help someone who has stopped breathing or whose heart has stopped beating. When someone has a cardiac arrest, they lose consciousness, and their heart stops beating. Without CPR, they can die within minutes of the incident.

CPR involves two people:

  • The person performing chest compressions
  • The person administering the breath 

The person performing the chest compressions should lean over the victim’s chest at a 45-degree angle. They should press down on the chest at least 2 inches in depth at a rate of 100 times per minute (or about once every second). Between each compression, they should give one rescue breath every 5 to 6 seconds.

The person giving breaths should place their mouth over the victim’s mouth and nose, seal off their airway with their lips and gently blow for one second (two seconds for children).

What Are the Detailed Steps for Performing CPR?

Giving CPR can be fatal if not executed properly. In such cases, getting skilled and educated about the process of delivering CPR is essential, which can be done by taking a life-saving course. 

There are six steps to performing CPR:

  1. Assess the person and environment.

First, assess whether or not the situation requires CPR. If unsure, look for signs of breathing and colour in their face. If they’re unresponsive and the face starts looking purple, grey, or pale, they are likely not breathing. 

  1. If a person is severely injured or in peril, call the emergency number (000) immediately.

Check if there is any bleeding by looking at the victim’s clothing and skin. Look at the victim’s head, face, arms, hands, and legs for blood or wounds that might be serious enough to require immediate medical care. If you see any of these things, call 000 immediately and do not attempt CPR until help arrives or until someone with more aquatic safety training takes over from you.

  1. Check the victim’s airway, breathing, and circulation.

You should always check to see if the person is breathing by looking for chest movements. If they are not breathing, tilt their head back and check for two things: no tongue blocking their airway and no blockage in the back of their throat. If you find a blockage, clear it with your finger. Then check for breathing again.

Start CPR immediately if they aren’t breathing and don’t have a pulse. CPR should be executed only after taking adequate training in a lifeguard training course.

If you’re not able to call 000 right away, move on to another step: clear the victim’s airway and check for breathing. You can do this by placing your ear over their mouth and nose and looking for movement of your chest or stomach—this is called “listening.” If you don’t see movement, check every 15 seconds again until you do see movement (or until help arrives).

  1. Start the CPR process.

After confirming that the victim is not breathing or doesn’t have a pulse, place your hands on the chest at the centre and push down at least 2 inches deep (or 1/3 of an inch per pound of body weight). Keep your hands pressing each other to cover all three areas where blood vessels like the carotid artery in the chest and abdomen are present. Push hard enough so that your hands bounce up off of them as they recoil from pushing down— this will help ensure that you’re compressing deep enough. Do this 30 times in quick succession (about 100 compressions per minute).

  1. Administer rescue breaths.

The first step in giving CPR is to administer two rescue breaths. The first breath is done by placing one hand on the victim’s forehead and tilting the head back while sealing your mouth over their mouth. Pinch the nose shut and blow hard into the victim’s mouth until you see their chest rise. Then, release your mouth from theirs and watch for their chest to fall again before repeating this step.

  1. Keep doing CPR for as long as it takes to revive the victim.

After administering two rescue breaths, you’ll need to continue performing 30 compressions at a rate of 100 per minute, alternating between compressions and breathing. This will allow enough oxygen-rich blood to circulate through their body so that they can begin breathing on their own again!

What Are the Mistakes to Avoid While Giving CPR?

The following are a few common mistakes that people make when giving CPR.  

  • Positioning your arms incorrectly
  • Raising your hands above the chest while giving CPR
  • Compressing the chest too quickly or slowly
  • Giving compressions that are either too light or too hard
  • Giving rescue breaths with your head tilted incorrectly

Wrapping Up

West Coast Water Safety is the only location you should choose if you’re looking for a CPR course in Perth. You’ll get a thorough, hands-on lesson that will leave you feeling prepared and confident in your ability to save lives. We believe in our mission and know it’s possible to bring the best water safety practices to every person on the West Coast.

Ultimate Guide To CPR Courses In Perth

Many professions recommend first aid certification. Nearly 339 Australians are drowning victims, and an estimated 686 non-fatal drowning accidents occur. Only 26 percent of Australians know CPR and are confident in their abilities. Through a CPR course in Perth, you will be able to learn this essential skill. We at West Coast Water Safety strive to provide quality services, particularly catering to aquatic scenarios. 

Aquatic Rescue for Group 3 Pools

The Code of Practice for the Design Construction, Operation, Management, and Maintenance of Aquatic Facilities in Western Australia has particular requirements for patron rescue that are addressed by this course on aquatic rescue for group 3 pools. Owners/operators of Group 3 (non-lifeguarded) swimming pools in Western Australia and their staff are the target audience.

The participant gains the skills and knowledge necessary to respond to a cry for assistance as promptly as possible, reducing the possibility that they would sustain long-term harm due to an aquatic incident or accident. In a Group 3 pool, participants will learn how to carry out fundamental water rescues. It is one of the best CPR courses in Perth offered by West Coast Water Safety. After completion of the course content, you will develop the following skills:

  • Develop an understanding of respiratory failure and how to perform rescue breathing for a minute
  • How to remove the person from the water with the help of a person nearby. 
  • The methods to remove and revive a person located in the deepest part of the pool.   

Learn basic life support with our integrated course. We provide some of the best CPR courses in Perth at West Coast Water Safety. 

Pool Lifeguard Training Course

This convenient and intensive program for pool lifeguard training can help you save time and money. It gives you all the professional credentials needed to operate as a Pool Lifeguard in a water park in Western Australia. 

It can help you deal with a variety of situations. The CPR course in Perth is one course that you must take. West Coast Water Safety trains you to provide necessary life support. 


Learning about CPR courses in Perth as part of your lifeguard training will help you expand your network further by making it simpler for you to get in touch with local lifeguards who might require assistance in an emergency. West Coast Water Safety is dedicated to training individuals through excellent courses for all Australians. West Coast Water Safety is considered the best first aid course provider across Australia in cities such as Sydney, Adelaide, Darwin, Perth, and Tasmania. The courses have been developed to incorporate context-specific training.