Safety at the Beach: 10 Essential Tips for a Secure Day Out

Did you know that over 96% of beachgoers know a beach is unpatrolled and still visit it without proper precautions? A day at the beach promises fun and relaxation but also poses hazards of which visitors must be cognizant. By following basic safety guidelines, beachgoers can mitigate the risks inherent to the shoreline environment. This article delineates ten vital tips that promote security for adults and children during a beach outing. 

Adhering to these common suggestions will allow families and groups to enjoy their time seaside with greater peace of mind. The subsequent sections expand upon prudent practices regarding sun exposure, responding to currents and tides, supervision of weaker swimmers, and other key areas relevant to creating an accident-free excursion.

10 Must-Know Safety the Beach Tips for a Secure Day Out 

A day at the beach during the warmer months can be the perfect way to relax and unwind. The sun, sand, and water call out as a welcome reprieve from the daily grind. However, a trip to enjoy some fun in the sun also requires keeping safety and security at the front of your mind, especially regarding your personal belongings. Check out the following 10 must-know tips for your next trip:

1. Understanding and Respecting the Ocean

First and foremost, it’s crucial to respect the power of the ocean. This means recognizing the dangers of rip currents, which can swiftly carry even the strongest swimmers out to sea. Educate yourself and your group about identifying and escaping a rip current. Remember, swimming parallel to the shore is often the best way to break free from a rip current’s grip.

2. Know the Water Safety Rules

Understanding the local water safety rules, often displayed on signs near the beach entrance, is vital. Familiarize yourself with the beach’s flag warning system: red flags signal hazardous conditions, green flags indicate safer swimming conditions and yellow flags mean moderate danger. Always choose a spot near a lifeguard station for an added layer of safety.

3. Supervising Children with Utmost Care

For families, vigilant supervision of children is a cornerstone of safety at the beach. Designate a responsible adult to monitor the children at all times, especially when they’re near or in the water. Consider using brightly colored swimwear for children to make them easily identifiable in a crowded beach setting.

4. Sun Protection: More Than Just Sunscreen

While sunscreen is important (a waterproof, broad-spectrum option with an SPF of at least 30), other sun protection methods are equally important Encourage everyone to wear UV-protective clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, and UV-resistant sunglasses. Remember that sunlight is at its peak between 10 am and 4 pm, so it’s wise to seek shade under an umbrella or natural canopy during these hours.

5. Staying Hydrated and Nourished

Hydration is key for safety at the beach. The combination of sun, sand, and saltwater can quickly lead to dehydration. Pack plenty of water and encourage frequent drinking breaks. Additionally, bring healthy snacks like fruits and nuts to maintain energy levels throughout the day.

6. Being Cautious of Marine Life

The ocean is a living ecosystem home to diverse marine life. While most sea creatures are harmless, some can pose dangers. Be aware of the local marine life and their habitats. Teach children not to touch or disturb any animals they encounter, as this can harm both the creature and the person and endanger their safety at the beach.

7. Basic First Aid Knowledge is Crucial

Equipping yourself with simple first-aid knowledge may be a lifesaver. Know how to treat minor accidents, including cuts or scrapes, and recognize the signs of extra extreme situations like heatstroke, dehydration, or allergic reactions. A well-stocked first resource kit should be a staple to your seashore bag.

8. Weather and Tide Awareness

Sudden weather changes can transform a beach setting dramatically. Check the local weather forecast before heading out, and remember any storm warnings for safety at the beach. Understanding tidal patterns is also important to avoid being caught in high tide situations, which can be especially dangerous in areas with strong currents.

9. Environmental Responsibility

Respecting the beach environment is an integral part of safety at the beach. Littering pollutes the beach and can pose hazards to both people and wildlife. Use designated trash and recycling bins, and consider participating in beach clean-up efforts to help preserve these natural spaces.

10. Considering a Water Safety Course

Taking a water safety course is invaluable for an extra layer of preparedness, especially for frequent beachgoers or those engaging in water sports. Organizations like West Coast Water Safety offer courses that cover a wide range of topics, from swimming safety to lifesaving techniques. This knowledge enhances your safety at the beach and empowers you to assist others.


Ensuring safety at the beach is a collective responsibility. By adhering to these essential tips, families and students can enjoy the beach’s splendors while minimizing risks. Remember, a well-prepared beach visit is the key to creating lasting, happy memories by the sea.For further information on water safety and to enroll in comprehensive safety courses, visit West Coast Water Safety. Equip yourself and your loved ones with the knowledge and skills necessary for a safe and enjoyable beach experience.

Water Safety Resources for Parents and Teachers: A Key Safety Protocol

Parents and teachers must understand the importance of school water safety because our children’s safety is our priority. This in-depth guide will cover many topics about School water safety in WA. The roles and responsibilities of parents, teachers, and students in ensuring water safety will be discussed. Also, the importance of teaching students water safety skills. Furthermore, you will learn the resources and training programs available for water safety.

Importance of School Water Safety

Water safety is a key aspect of ensuring students’ well-being in schools. One of the key causes for the importance of school water safety is the increasing risk of drowning. According to statistics, drowning is one of the leading causes of accidents. Schools can considerably lower the danger of such catastrophic accidents. It can be done by putting in place efficient water safety measures. Schools can also foster a culture of awareness and responsibility among students by emphasizing water safety. Schools play a critical role in raising a generation of responsible, water-savvy people. It is done by providing them with fundamental swimming and survival skills.

Roles and Responsibilities of Parents and Teachers

Parents and Teachers both have equal roles and responsibilities to share in the case of school water safety. The roles and responsibilities include: 

Parents’ Roles:

– Teach children about water safety at home.
– Supervise and monitor water-related activities.
– Enroll kids in swimming lessons.
– Ensure children have appropriate swimwear and safety gear.
– Educate kids on potential water hazards and risks.
– Encourage open communication about water experiences.
– Promote responsible behavior around water.

Teachers’ Roles:

– Include water safety education in the curriculum.
– Supervise students during water activities.
– Teach basic water skills during swim lessons.
– Enforce safety rules at the school pool or water areas.
– Raise awareness of water safety through discussions.
– Provide resources for parents to reinforce water safety at home.
– Stay updated on water safety guidelines and best practices.

Teaching Water Safety Skills to Students

Giving children the right instruction is essential to ensuring their safety in the water. Schools can play a crucial role in making children protect themselves from water accidents. It can be done by teaching children to swim. Also, it provides them with the knowledge to handle water-related emergencies. Swimming instruction should be a necessary part of the educational curriculum. It should begin at a young age. These classes aim to teach the fundamental skills of floating and basic strokes. Additionally, dangers associated with deep water in unfamiliar places should be made clear to students.

Resources and Training Programs: Water Safety in WA

Fortunately, WA has ample resources, including training programs and tools, to guarantee top-notch water safety practices in schools. The WA Water Safety Council provides thorough teacher training programs, helpful guidelines, and guidance for schools. These give teachers the tools they need to instruct pupils about water safety.

Swimming clubs and community organizations often offer school-focused water safety programs. These include teaching water safety, survival skills, and swimming. Schools can give kids relevant School water safety WA instruction by working with such organizations. By using these materials, parents, teachers, and communities may collaborate to make it safer for kids to be around water, encouraging proper water use and lowering the likelihood of accidents.

Make Safety the First Priority

If we work together, we can give children a secure atmosphere to learn and develop. Schools are essential in teaching children School water safety WA skills so they can defend themselves and others. Prioritize water safety so our children can enjoy water activities safely and responsibly.

The West Course Water Safety courses are everything you need to enhance your water safety skills. Their courses are designed to make an individual understand every necessary detail of water safety and how to implement them in real life!

The Importance of Water Safety Education in Schools

In today’s time, learning to move around water is essential. People learn different skills in their lifetime but aquatic skills significantly. Many of us love swimming or being around the water. At this point, water safety knowledge will be bliss. For this reason, it is significant to start a water safety course in WA schools to provide early education regarding water.

Benefits of teaching water safety in student’s developing years

The formative years of any student are spent at school. It is where they learn different skills apart from regular education. If you introduce the students to the water safety courses in school in WA, they will get the following benefits –

Upgrade your skill:

Along with many skills the students may have, learning to move around water is a next-level skill. A water safety course like this ensures providing more than how to swim. It can prepare you for any swimming event you can participate in. The experts in water safety courses in WA teach the right and better technique for swimming. 

Understand your abilities:

Many times teachers fail to understand students’ abilities in the water. Some students overestimate their abilities; others feel incapable on their own. Many children fall victim to aquatic accidents like drowning or getting hit by the waves because they don’t know basic water skills. 

At this point, it becomes essential to introduce your children at a young age to the water safety course in WA schools. The experts in the course will evaluate each student’s capabilities and provide the right guidance for safe swimming.

Learn about your environment:

It is essential to familiarize yourself with the environment when you visit a pool, beach area, or creek. Many people don’t possess this ability to understand the environment first. You shouldn’t dive into the water without learning about the water’s depth. Your entry into the water body must start with ankle-deep water. The experts in a water safety course in WA will explain how to identify the right environment fit for swimming. 

Prevent any water-related accidents:

When students know how to swim correctly, they can also help others. The water safety courses in WA prepare the students for the worst possible situation and teach an effective way to get out of trouble. Not only will they learn to save themselves, but they can come to aid others. 

Understand how to react:

As in the growing stage, every student should learn how to deal with a situation. In any situation in the water, students should know the right call to action, which is essential to save lives because minutes matter to escape life-threatening situations. Many people get afraid if any unprecedented situation takes place nearby. The course will help students to stay calm and vigilant nearby the water.

Special skills that your kids get to learn

An efficient water safety course in WA schools should be a part of their curriculum. Here are some skills that the students will learn from the water safety course: 

-Learn how to swim using different body parts and get introduced to different swimming techniques – float on the back, front-stroke, back-stroke, underwater swimming, and get back to the side. However, all these skills will be introduced to them over time.

-The second most essential thing is how to give CPR or Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. When you are on the water, CPR can help any victim to survive any aquatic incident.

-Students will learn to be vigilant on the water. It is important to remain active on the water for yourself and others.

Wrapping up,

So you can understand how significant it is to keep your children with this skill. If you want to introduce a water safety course in WA schools, you can approach West Coast Water Safety. We provide comprehensive training regarding water safety. You will learn to be more confident around water and calmly face any challenge with our training regime. Visit our website today!

Tips For Keeping Kids Safe Around Pools, Lakes, And Other Bodies Of Water

Dealing with children is an everyday challenge for parents. New tasks are coming daily, and keeping young and curious children safe can become difficult. Taking your children around water bodies, such as pools, beaches, and lakes, can be even scarier for parents.

This constant fear of allowing persists for parents whose children are getting swimming lessons in the school. One of the most common threats parents face when bringing children near water bodies is the constant fear of drowning. But, with the right practices, it can become an easy, safe, and fun activity for the children.

Tips To Keep Their Children Safe 

Today, imparting swimming lessons or taking children outdoors near water bodies for picnics at school is common. But at the same time, ensuring school water safety in WA is also important. Here are some things that the school management must consider to ensure the safety of the students while being near a water body-

Adult supervision is necessary

While taking children near water bodies, such as ponds, lakes, or the beach, as a school trip, the school management must ensure the safety and protection of the children. It is important to keep an eye on the children at all times, especially the younger ones. Designate an adult over a small group of students to keep an eye on each one. At the same time, it is also important that the adult knows the basics of swimming and can help the child in an emergency.

Make use of barriers

While incorporating swimming lessons at the school or taking the students for a pool trip, water safety WA is essential. It is important to create a barrier within the pool, marking the different depths of the water. This shall help the students understand their designated area and prevent them from wandering off at the deep ends. While on outdoor trips, the school management can set up temporary fencing or barricades to prevent the children from running off into the water bodies.

Ensure to use of safety devices while training

Schools are now adding swimming lessons to their curriculum, like dancing, singing, and drawing. But, it is important to ensure school water safety in WA to avoid any unwanted circumstances. The most important thing is to provide the students with different types of safety equipment, such as dumbbells, swimming rings, swimming boards, floors, etc., to help them get additional support while learning to swim. It is important to ensure their safety and watch them closely.

Keep first aid handy

Despite extensive care and prevention, accidents may happen at any time. It is always better to be well-prepared for such circumstances. One of the most important things to remember is always to have a lifeguard on call for school water safety in WA. It is also advisable for the lifeguard to have training or certification in basic first aid and CPR, as it can come in handy. Also, remember to call for backup, such as an ambulance or the school doctor, for professional help.


Water safety for kids should be a top priority for parents and caregivers. Water safety in WA for children is essential to avoid accidents and hazards. It is important to keep the children safe and take extreme precautions. Educating the children about water safety and the floating techniques before letting them in the water can be a game changer. 

Various measures can be taken to ensure their safety, such as providing adult supervision, teaching them to swim early, installing proper barriers and fences around pools, and enforcing safety rules. By taking the right measures, it is possible to ensure safety and avoid many accidents.

Ultimate Guide to Water Safety Courses in Australia

Water safety training is essential because it equips persons with the knowledge and ability to stay safe in and around water. Australians of all ages and having swimming abilities should take up water safety classes because the country is completely surrounded by water. Participants will finish these classes with the knowledge and skills required to enjoy water sports like swimming, boating, and fishing without endangering themselves or others.

The Australian government has put in place water safety programs that are open to those who have knowledge of different types of swimming skills. Regulations governing water safety, swimming techniques, and rescue techniques are common course topics. These programs teach participants to identify and steer clear of hazardous situations in the water, such as those involving strong currents, submerged objects, and navigating deep water.

The need to complete water safety programs that teach individuals how to keep safe around water and how to react in case of an aquatic emergency is, therefore, essential. In this complete guide, we’ll dive deeper into water safety education in Australia, looking at initiatives including School Water Safety WA, Water Safety WA, Aquatic Rescue for Group 3 Pools, and Hydrotherapy Aquatic Rescue.

Why should Australians enroll in water safety courses

Australians adore water sports, including swimming, surfing, fishing, and boating, and the country’s enormous coastlines serve as a reminder of the importance of water safety education initiatives that should be taught to everyone. Thousands of Australians participate in water-based sports each year, some of which can turn tragic if basic safety measures aren’t done.

Australians should take water safety training for various reasons, including the following:

-According to the Royal Life Saving Society of Australia, there were 249 drowning fatalities in Australia in the 2019–2020 fiscal year, a considerable rise from the prior fiscal year. Proper water safety training considerably improves a person’s capacity for identifying and averting potential hazards, responding effectively in an emergency, and performing basic water rescue techniques.

-Programs for water safety education are frequently required by law to assure compliance. Anyone operating a recreational vessel must get a boat license or personal watercraft license. For example, in Australia, In a similar vein, many businesses require water safety training for staff to meet OSHA requirements.

-Knowing how to keep yourself safe in and around water can increase confidence and passion for water-based activities. This is especially important for children, who could be wary or even scared of the water if they haven’t been well trained for it.

-Taking water safety lessons might help prepare you for a career in the aquatic sector, such as lifeguarding, teaching swimming, or coaching surf. You can learn the fundamentals in these seminars so that you can carry out your job responsibilities safely and competently.

Overall, water safety education is important in Australia since it helps prevent drownings, satisfies regulations, increases self-assurance and enjoyment, and promotes professional growth in the aquatics industry.

Water Safety at Schools in Western Australia:

The School Water Safety WA program, which teaches students in Western Australia how to be safe in and around water, is highly beneficial for every student. The state’s Department of Education oversees the programme, which is created to meet the particular needs of its educational institutions.

The School Water Safety WA curriculum includes classroom education, practical training, and final tests. Experts in their industries, instructors have undergone thorough training to make sure they can effectively transmit the program’s curriculum to students.

The program’s classroom component covers crucial water safety topics such aquatic risks, survival techniques, and rescue techniques. The ability to swim, tread water, and float are all survival skills that are helpful in the real world.

The School Water Safety WA programme periodically assesses students’ knowledge and skills, both within and outside of the classroom. Each student who successfully completes the curriculum will receive a completion certificate.

Western Australia Water Safety:

A non-profit organisation in Western Australia called Water Safety WA provides many water safety programmes and resources. A government-led initiative to reduce aquatic mishaps and inform the public about water safety is the Western Australia Water Safety Program. The program’s numerous courses and resources are available to individuals, organisations, and institutions.

Training from the National Lifesaving Institution of Australia

Royal Life Saving Society

A national organization called the Royal Life Saving Society of Australia (RLSSA) educates its members on how to save lives in and around the sea. There are numerous classes offered at RLSSA, including:

Bronze Medallion Program

The Bronze Medallion Program is for anyone who wants to gain the knowledge and abilities required to become a certified lifeguard. A few of the many topics covered are first aid, water safety, and rescue techniques. You will learn everything you need to know throughout this program to work as a qualified pool lifeguard. First aid, pool safety, and rescue techniques are all covered.

The Aquatic Rescue Training Course

This Aquatic Rescue training course should be taken by everyone who works or volunteers at pools that are classified as Group 3. First aid, pool safety, and rescue techniques are all covered. The Aquatic Rescue for Hydrotherapy Aqu course should be taken by anyone who works or volunteers at hydrotherapy pools. First aid, pool safety, and rescue techniques are all covered.

Surf Life Saving Australia education (SLSA)

Surf Life Saving Australia is the national organization representing Australia’s surf lifesaving community (SLSA). The following are only a few of the courses SLSA offers:

Those who want to earn their certification as surf lifeguards should sign up for the Bronze Medallion program. The topics covered are first aid, rescue techniques, and surfing safety.

This Surf Rescue Certificate course is recommended for anyone interested in earning their basic surf lifesaving certification. Among the topics covered are rescuing methods and surfing safety.


In conclusion, Australia must address serious issues with school safety and water safety. Water safety education makes it possible to avoid drownings, comply with legislation, and increase the enjoyment of water sports. A complete plan for safeguarding the lives of individuals who spend their days in classrooms and administrative offices should include safety rules, personnel training, and promoting a “safety first” school culture. By concentrating on water safety and school safety, Australians’ health and safety in and around water can be enhanced.

Why You Should Discuss Water Safety at Your Child’s Next Wellness Visit?

With the summer approaching, children always look forward to swimming with family and friends at local pools and backyards; however, recent statistics reveal that parents and children must understand the risks involved while swimming in pools and bathtubs. 

Triathlon water safety experts in Western Australia recommend that swimming and water safety knowledge can significantly reduce a child’s drowning risk and provide them with skills that may one day save a life. 

Statistics show children aged 1–4 years have the highest drowning rates. The majority of drownings in children happen in swimming pools. Drowning can happen even when children are not expected to be around water, such as when they gain unsupervised access to pools. 

That’s why you should look for lifeguards for hire in Western Australia if you have a personal pool and your kid is learning to swim. Fatal drowning is the leading cause of death for children 1-4 and the second leading cause of unintentional injury death for children 5-14 after motor vehicle crashes.

Importance of water safety

People drown when excess water gets into their lungs. When that happens, the lungs cannot pump oxygen into the blood, leading to little or no oxygen reaching the brain and the rest of the body.

Drowning can be sudden and happen so quickly that it leaves little time for someone to act. Drowning is typically silent and is not easy to identify. A struggling or distressed swimmer often cannot shout for help as their respiratory system is trying to breathe. The swimmer’s arms are generally underwater, helping to push the body toward the surface. 

Hence, it can be difficult for parents and others to understand if a child is drowning. That’s why a child’s understanding of water safety is very important rather than searching for lifeguards for hire in Western Australia.

Water safety rules that children should be taught to follow

Here are some safety rules by experts that children should follow every time they are near water:

1. First and foremost, important – never swim alone!

2. Always swim within reach of a lifeguard and in areas marked for swimmers to use.

3. School authorities should ensure the premises’ swimming pool has a lifeguard appointed. If not, look for lifeguards for hire in Western Australia.

4. Wear protective gear like a life jacket when playing in open water areas like beaches, ponds, or lakes.

5. Never pretend to be drowning. The lifeguard may not take you seriously when the actual incident happens. 

6. Learn to swim. Schools should ensure kids undergo school water safety WA sessions.

7. Don’t swim or play in the water in the dark.

8. Children must be made aware of the dangers of rip currents and taught how to escape them. 

9. Teach them to swim parallel to the shore to escape the rip currents and then swim at an angle back to shore to escape the currents.

10. Triathlon water safety experts in Western Australia advise parents, teens, and fellow children to know where rescue equipment is kept around the pool and how to use it. 

11. Teaching kids how to throw rescue equipment to a distressed swimmer is important, rather than jumping in to help.

The bottom line

Teaching school water safety to kids in WA should be taken very seriously. It’s good to teach your child about water safety and how to swim from a young age. It will help them understand the dangers in the water and know how to behave. 

Swimming is one of the non-negotiable life skills that parents should look to acquire for their children as soon as possible for home or school water safety in WA. While a range of extra-curricular skills activities are essential for children to develop as rounded individuals, none are as vital and fundamental as learning to swim. 

Furthermore, knowing First aid is another essential skill set for the entire family to learn. If you know how to perform CPR and how to act in case of an emergency, it could save your child’s life. Contact West Coast Water Safety to learn more about Triathlon water safety in Western Australia.

Preschool Water Safety Tips For 2024

Who does not love playing in the water? Playing in water is fun but can also be dangerous, especially for small kids if they are unaware of the school water safety rules in WA

Death and injury from drownings can happen anywhere: at home pools, in bathtubs, at the beach, lakes, rivers, streams, or even in buckets. 

Preschool children can even get into much trouble about water if not supervised or left unattended near water bodies. 

Preschool water safety tips 

Here are some expert tips from the best aquatic safety training academy. Following these will reduce the chances of any accidents related to water.

Never leave a child unsupervised.

Looking away for your child to get into trouble in the water only takes one second. An amazing aquatic safety training tip is giving your child undivided attention when in or around the water. Drowning can occur in a matter of seconds and often silently.

Keep your children close.

Always keep your child within reach while in the water. Teach them school water safety rules in WA

Know how to perform CPR.

Knowing how to perform CPR is great when taking kids out for activities, including swimming and playing in the water. Learning to perform CPR from a certified aquatic safety training academy is a good idea.

Teach them basic swimming skills.

Babies as young as four months can learn swimming skills. Teaching your child to swim and follow water safety rules in WA keeps them safe around water. Always be nearby and keep a close watch on them while they swim. 

Teach them the importance of life jackets.

If a child does not know how to swim, teach him to wear a life jacket when in the water and understand the concept of water safety in WA. Pool floaties give children a false sense of security; hence, life jackets are the best options for kids, whether in a pool, lake, or ocean.

Always swim with a buddy.

Teach kids always to be accompanied by someone in the water as an important water safety rule in WA. Swimming alone can be unsafe and dangerous and can lead to drowning. An adult should always be present in the water with the child.

Know what to do in an emergency:

The experts from the aquatic safety training academy suggest that if you find a child missing, check the water first. Knowing every second is important in preventing death or disability. Some other tips to act fast during a water emergency are:

  • Call for the lifeguard, if available.
  • Identify the signs of someone in trouble and immediately call for help. A distressed swimmer shows the following signs :
    • Is not making forward progress in the water and bobbing up and down
    • Is vertical in the water but unable to move or tread water.
    • Mouth at water level whereas head low in the water.
    • Hyperventilating or gasping.
  • Rescue and remove the person from the water (ensuring your safety first). 
  • Tell someone to call emergency medical services (EMS).
  • Check for breathing and perform CPR. 
  • Use an AED (Automated external defibrillation) and transfer care to advanced life support if available. 
  • Aquatic safety training can help you prepare yourself to handle any such mishap. 


As Preschoolers advance, they develop enough independence to dress, feed, and even toilet themselves. Yet they still require guidance and supervision from their parents or caregivers to stay safe. School water safety WA awareness plays an important role in establishing a secure environment around water. 

Make children aware of water safety and competency to create a safe learning environment while enjoying the fun. Teaching swimming skills, being water smart, and assisting others in water activities makes water activities safer and just as much fun. Contact West Coast Water Safety to learn more about aquatic safety training practices.

Best Water-Safety Practices: A Comprehensive Guide To Drowning Prevention

Whenever we think of summer, we are always eager to take refreshing dips at the beach or in the swimming pools around us. It’s always exciting to plan beach trips with friends and family and beat the scorching heat. But amidst all the fun, there is one thing about which we should always be careful and alert: drowning.

Drowning: A major concern

According to the report by Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 4,000 fatal unintentional drownings, that is an average of 11 drowning deaths per day and around 8000 nonfatal drownings, that is an average of 22 nonfatal drownings per day, occur every year in the United States.

This crucial data is surely calling for some attention. So let’s look at some best ways to prevent and control drowning accidents.

Pool Lifeguard Training Course Perth
  • Know the basics – The most common and important way is to learn the basics of swimming. Even beginner-level swimming training can be beneficial against drowning. Hence it’s important to ensure that you take basic lessons before hitting the beach. 
  • Life jacket – Life jackets are a must even for someone who’s an excellent swimmer and especially for children. The jackets are a great tool to prevent and reduce the chance of drowning accidents to a large extent.
  • Learn CPR – Knowing how to give CPR can save lives while the paramedic’s team takes charge. You can learn online or in-person CPR lessons conducted by various organisations. Also, we at the West Coast Water Safety provide a variety of basic water rescue courses to train our participants to respond to any situation and avoid accidents quickly.
  • Avoid Toys – It’s always wise to avoid having air-filled or foamed toys in the pool. According to the Florida Department of Health report, the state leads the US in annual fatal child drownings for children younger than five years. The majority of accidents are due to the toys used.
  • Supervision – The saddening data revealed by the reports indicates a lack of supervision of children and new swimmers. It’s our responsibility to be alert and attentive with children around swimming pools, ponds or lakes.

Bottom line

Keeping these things in mind, West Coast Water Safety is dedicated to ensuring your safety with its highly trained and professional staff of lifeguards, paramedics, beach inspectors and many more.

Water Safety Tips for a Lake or Ocean

On a hot summer day, nothing beats your absolute favourite swimming hole. However, before you jump in, be conscious that water safety dangers could place you and your family in danger of an accident, illness, or injury.

Swimming is a wonderful sport for fitness and a fun activity to do with friends and family. Swimming recklessly, on the other hand, is a known cause of death among young people. A few simple tips and safety rules will keep you safe from swimming injuries and other mishaps that could lead to death.

Some of the general safety rules 

Swim only in specified places

Most state parks, beaches, and lakefront regions have designated swimming times and use flags to indicate where people can swim. Never swim outside of the designated areas. Swim under the guidance of a trained lifeguard, if possible.

When in doubt, leave

Don’t be afraid to get out of the water if something feels wrong. If the current becomes too strong, rain begins to fall, or your body is simply not responding as it should due to fatigue or muscle cramps, leave and come back to the water another day. Following your instincts is always a smart option.

Understand the circumstances

Before you go swimming, examine the water’s temperature and weather conditions. If the water temperature is cold, you should swim with a wetsuit and limit your time in the water. Swimming in the rain is unsafe, especially if there is thunder and lightning. If the weather changes, don’t be afraid to swim back to the beach.

Prepare an emergency plan

When you go out to the water, whether with a swim mate or alone, always have a plan to deal with and face emergencies. Inform someone else of your plans. It is wise to have someone observing from the shore, prepared to act if you require assistance. Prepare for any eventuality and remove as much unpredictability as possible.

Swim side by side to the beach

Don’t let panic cloud your judgement if caught in a rip current. You might be swept away from the shore in an instant. Because most rip currents are 100 feet wide, swimming parallel to the shore rather than towards it is the best way to avoid them. Try to relax and breathe while retaining your head above water, and don’t exhaust yourself by swimming against the current to get out of the rip. 

Bottom line

Summer is the season for proper swimming preventive measures and extra steps to safeguard your skin from the sun. Check out the Water Coast Water Safety for more tips and training courses on staying safe in or around water this summer.

They are competent in responding to rescue situations and are proactively vigilant to prevent water incidents. The team’s expertise in beach management stems from their years of professional lifeguarding at various beaches across the world.

We Empower You With Water Competency

Accidents can occur in any body of water, from swimming pools to the ocean, in the blink of an eye. Anyone can drown at any point in time, from the most experienced swimmers to beginners. It is important to achieve water competency. Every day, drowning deaths and injuries occur in hot tubs, swimming pools, beaches, lakes, rivers, streams, bathtubs, and even buckets. Through the aquatic safety training academy, we empower you to take action and save lives. 

Water activities can be safer and more fun. In the Red Cross’s opinion, by working together to improve water competency, which includes swimming abilities, water smarts, and aiding others, we can help save more lives.

Understanding Water Competency 

Acquiring basic water safety skills to make you safer in and near the water, avoiding common hazards, and being aware of how to prevent and deal with drowning crises are all parts of developing water competency. Through the aquatic safety training academy, you will be fully equipped with water competency. The three essential elements of water competency are water smarts, swimming skills, and helping others. 

Water Smarts

One of the most vital aspects of this component is to take some precautions when you are in the water as well as when you are around people who are in the water. Some of them include not swimming alone, not swimming when you are under the influence and so on

Swimming Skills

These include some essential skills needed for any swimmer. Some skills include being aware of ways to ask for help, moving above your head rather than moving towards the surface, learning to float across the water for 1 minute and so on. Through the aquatic safety training academy, you will be able to learn these essential skills. 

Helping Others

You can learn some skills to assist others in times of emergency. Some of them include keeping an eye on children and beginners swimming to ensure that they are not in any danger of sorts. If you are looking to help someone who is drowning, you must also be aware of the signs of drowning. 

Being aware of how to execute and save and provide assistance to them in an appropriate emergency is of vital importance. You must be aware of how to provide CPR and first aid. Through the aquatic safety training academy, you will be able to successfully execute these manoeuvres with confidence. 

Water Safety Tips

Given below are a few tips that will assist you in helping others while also ensuring that you’re safe –

  • Do not swim alone
  • Ensure that you supervise those who are less experienced swimmers. 
  • Ensure that you do not swim under any influence of drugs 
  • Avoid swimming in water bodies when there are strong currents. 
  • If you are not confident in your swimming, ensure that you have a more knowledgeable other by your side or supervising. 

Get the Right Aquatic Training With Us

Through the aquatic safety training academy, learn all about Water competency, a basic life skill that one must have to save themselves and provide help for others. We provide various courses on water safety, such as hydrotherapy, play leaders and so on. We have nationally recognized certifications for the same. West Coast Water Safety is dedicated to empowering individuals by educating them on water competency.