October 22, 2021 Lifeguard Trainer
Saving lives and imparting knowledge are often looked at as two noble career choices. One of the many professions, which mandatorily puts together saving lives and teaching is that of a lifeguard instructor. A professional lifeguard instructor is in charge of teaching safety protocols when water-based activities are concerned. These teachings range from supervising first-aid protocols to preventing mishaps in water. Like any other profession, it is mandatory to fulfill some requirements to fit into this profession. But before that, it is necessary to understand why one should become a lifeguard instructor.
Treading deep or dangerous waters at a critical time to save others requires courage and commitment. Teaching these skills with the utmost care, therefore, is not only crucial but also necessary. Having the ability to impart such knowledge makes a lifeguard instructor’s line of work applause-worthy. Here are some reasons why you should consider it as your career choice:
As a lifeguard instructor, you will primarily teach others how to save lives during aquatic emergencies. These emergencies can take place in recreational swimming pools or natural water bodies. Your teachings will help the learner understand how they will ensure safety during this stressful situation. You will, therefore, provide knowledge related to critical thinking and quick problem-solving. Teaching these skills will not only help save lives but also be serviceable off the field.
A lifeguard instructor’s job does not simply focus on teaching the basics of safety in the water. These professionals teach a diverse set of topics revolving around emergencies that can arise in the water. For instance, a course on Hydrotherapy will require teaching skills to students pursuing physiotherapy. This course, therefore, will require quickly analyzing medical emergencies in water and finding solutions. Alternatively, you can also teach about safety in shallow waters. Imparting such knowledge requires a grounded understanding of human psychology, strong communication skills, and logical reasoning. The profession, therefore, requires as much credibility as any other job involved with life-saving. A plus point is that you get to teach while enjoying your time in the water.
Becoming a lifeguard instructor comes with its own set of physical and mental benefits. For instance, you have to ascertain your fitness at all times. Inadvertently, you will have to take care of your body to ensure your health. Moreover, you get to practice team building and alertness, which help develop qualities like responsibility and discipline. These skills tend to prove to be handy outside your professional life as well. Lastly, this choice of profession ensures the utilization of critical thinking, which helps you think on your feet and make quick decisions during a stressful time.
You could utilize your empirical and theoretical knowledge to help your students construct realistic solutions while discussing hypothetical stressful situations. Your expertise could also be used to scrutinize local natural and artificial water bodies to make sure that they are being taken care of. If not, you could always persuade the necessary committee members to take efficient measures. As a credible, professional lifeguard instructor you can also strengthen the presence of the lifeguard community by talking to locals about the necessary dos and don’ts around water bodies. Your knowledge can help humans and the environment coexist peacefully.
These are only a few reasons to help explain why one can choose to become a professional lifeguard instructor. As seen above, this position comes with a lot of responsibility and will require you to take charge. Ultimately, it is a noble profession, which involves using your life skills to potentially save lives.